The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead - Season 6 - Episode 8

Episode 8Aired 29 Nov 2015

Episode 608



Andrew Lincoln, Steven Yeun, Norman Reedus, Lauren Cohan


After having a few moments of peace, trouble finds its way to Alexandria yet again. Only this time, the threat might be too big to defeat.

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Winston Bui

Oh man, this episode seemed to keep every on the edge of the seat and it did to me! This episode was very sweaty for me as it got so intense that I was hoping Carl would be okay and I can't wait for the next episode!

Winston Bui @FunnyGuy871 - 14 Jan 2016

Matt Paolone

I can't wait until Negan shows up. Also, I agree about Morgan. He is not a "good guy" if you ask me, he is the one causing the problems. I wish Carol would just take him out already.

Matt Paolone @mjpaolonexx - 31 Dec 2015


I am not a fan of Morgan. He hesitates when it comes to killing zombies and he has compassion for the Wolves even though they absolutely cannot be trusted.

Nik0878 @ohsooorandom - 14 Dec 2015

Erica leigh

This kept me on the edge of my seat!! I was so nervous for Carl!! I really am not a fan of Ron or Sam at this point !! Also Morgan , what was he thinking keeping one of the wolves locked up!!!?

Erica leigh @xoericaluvox - 01 Dec 2015

Laura D

This episode certainly kept me on the edge of my seat! My heart sank when the tower came down and destroyed the fence and the walkers came flooding in. Also, I'm anxious for Maggie and Glenn to be reunited.

Laura D @ljdemmler - 30 Nov 2015

Sierra Smith

I am so scared. Ok first of all who was that on the walkie talkie asking for help? at first I thought it was Glenn but I see now that it wasnt. So are they heading to a trap oh what? Secondly what are they going to do now that the wall went down? its like a million walkers coming in. How is rick going to save them. Will they get to the guns in time? Will Abraham return with the rocket launcher and blow them all to pieces? I cant wait to find out.

Sierra Smith @NursingMomSbell - 28 Nov 2015