
Suits - Season 5 - Episode 1

Episode 1Aired 24 Jun 2015




Gabriel Macht, Patrick J. Adams, Rick Hoffman, Meghan Markle


Mike and Rachel's engagement is put on the back burner as Donna leaves Harvey to work for Louis. Harvey is in denial and is confident she will return, but will he be able to handle it when he discovers she's not bluffing?

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This was the most emotional episode Norman's death showed Donna the path. It also shows the emotional side of Harvey we've never seen before

João Carlos Teixeira @Vilaca_LFC - 10 Mar 2016

Cole McCarty

Honestly, everyone talks here about how this is one of their favorite shows, but I'm not so convinced. It just isn't one that keeps my attention that much...

Cole McCarty @ColePatrick_ - 08 Feb 2016

Mona LadyConsumer

Mixed feelings here - I get why Donna left Louis, but I wish she had stayed. I wish they could work together without the "other stuff" getting in the way. Still, at least she didn't leave the firm (which is probably more realistically what would happen)

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 11 Jan 2016

Elleah Derksen

I felt bad for Harvey when Donna left him. I was also a bit surprised at this turn of events.

Elleah Derksen @happysnappy16 - 04 Jan 2016

Tori Soleil

Although I like Harvey's character- he really needs to move on and let go of Donna! Donna & Louis are a better match and I highly doubt that she is going to go back to Harvey.

Tori Soleil @ToriSoleil_ - 30 Dec 2015

Party animal

Cannot believe Donna actually went through with leaving Harvey! Louis is really starting to grow on me as a character despite coming off as a total moron.

Party animal @ilovescumbags - 16 Nov 2015


So glad Suits is back

MarketResearch @Careerization - 14 Oct 2015