
Scandal - Season 5 - Episode 18

Episode 18Aired 21 Apr 2016

Till Death Do Us Part



Jayden Blake Cochran, Bryan Lugo


As Olivia deals with the aftermath of what she's done, she finally finds out what exactly Jake and Rowan are plotting. But with their plans already in motion, Olivia is forced to make a gut-wrenching attempt to try and stop it. Meanwhile, in flashbacks, we learn more about Jake's past and how he first got involved with B6-13.

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Caroline Kaugher

Olivia needs to meet Cookie Lyons, if you ask me. She's accepted defeat a little too easily. I expected more. Time to get rid of Rowan and find ourselves a new antagonist.

Caroline Kaugher @NempieBlues - 26 Apr 2016

Mona LadyConsumer

Wow -that was heart-breaking. Between the flashback scenes where we learn why Jake is how he is, and the scene at the end at his house - just gut-wrenching!

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 26 Apr 2016