
Scandal - Season 5 - Episode 11

Episode 11Aired 18 Feb 2016

The Candidate



Buda, Cooper J. Friedman, Delaina Mitchell, Brandon Molale


Mellie seeks out Olivia's help but may not be prepared for what that entails, and Liz tries to convince Susan Ross to run for the presidency. Meanwhile, Abby and Cyrus are at odds when a profile piece on Fitz comes into question.

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Mona LadyConsumer

I love Susan! While I never would have thought she'd be right for any office - let alone the white house - she's really turned herself around. Now if she can just keep her heart from ruining her campaign, she'll really be a contender!

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 26 Apr 2016

Caroline Kaugher

Liv & Mellie 4EVA! Goodbye White Hat, Mr Rosen. Along with last week, these are the episodes I've been waiting for! Finally, Liv's getting it together, can she hold it there? Season four lost me, I didn't even bother catching up until this year, then the first half of this season was slow, pitiful...but obviously there had to come a change. ALL HAIL CHANGE!

Caroline Kaugher @NempieBlues - 19 Feb 2016