House of Cards

House of Cards - Season 3 - Episode 13

Episode 13Aired 27 Feb 2015

Chapter 39



Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Michael Kelly, Elizabeth Marvel


Francis and Claire's relationship reaches a critical point. Doug catches up with his past

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Abstrakt Designs

I absolutely loved season 1. I tolerated season 2 and I am not a big fan of season 3 or how it ended. It just wasn't as exciting, Frank was as manipulative as he has been in the past and Claire bored me, even her finally leaving him bored me. I will probably binge watch season 4 anyway, I've made it this far.

Abstrakt Designs @WonderliciousD - 02 Feb 2016


Buy House of Cards Season 3 DVD on Amazon!

I absolutely love Kevin Spacey in House of Cards. The relationship between Claire and Frank is probably a lot more like some real life relationships (what he/she/doesn't know won't hurt them) than most people are aware.

Nancy Jones @nance4DMB - 22 Jan 2016


Not a bad season, but I'm kinda sore about Claire leaving Frank, and the whole arc of them moving apart. Their rock-solid relationship throughout the first two seasons was very compelling to me, since you don't often see couples quite so ready to cheer each other on in fiction. A pity, but we'll see how the next season handles it.

KyRH @KyRHubbard - 14 Jan 2016


Rumor has it that next season is the last of the show. 4 suits (seasons) in a deck (show), 13 cards (episodes) per suit (season). I guess we are bound to see Frank's inevitable tumble next season. Hope its glorious! (And hope they have 2 extra episodes... for the joker cards... the more episodes the better)

ENTJ @chi_boss - 10 Oct 2015